BaselHack 2022: the winners are... 🥁🥁🥁

They came, pitched, met, and coded - after 30 intense hours, here are the winners of BaselHack 2022.

Sponsored Challenges

Sponsored challenges were pitched by the sponsoring companies of BaselHack 2022. Three teams were competing for each of the two sponsored challenges. The awardees were decided by the two respective sponsors under consideration of the Jury ranking. The winners of the Bell respectively Coop sponsored challenges of BaselHack 2022 are:

Bell Best Team
Award: 1000 CHF
Team 11: Cooking Buddy
Elena Kameneva, Matthieu Dufour, Ondrej Halaska, Tobija Fischer, Igor Manzhulin, Biraveen Ponnu, Rosmery Chavez

Pitch: Healthy & Sunstainable - Your fridge is almost empty with only few left-overs? Build an app that combines image recognition and a receipts databases to create tasty receipt suggestions based on the left-overs found in your fridge.
Coop Best Team
Award: 1000 CHF
Team 10: Trovino
Noel Pineiro, Miruna Muntean, Andrei Birgovan, Phaina Koncebovski, Omar Hussein, Nour Shokry, Rui Huang, Jozef Coldenhoff
Pitch: Chaos in the wine inventory? Build an app that uses image recognition to identify the bottles in the wine rack and pulls data from Coop's product API accordingly to provide a context for each wine bottle to print inventory labels.

Freestyle Challenges

Freestyle challenges were pitched by participants of the BaselHack. The awardees were decided by the Jury ranking.

1st Prize
Award: 1000 CHF
Team 16: Watt can we save
Nadia Kramer, Marco Inniger, Benjamin Steidl, Leon Hochwimmer, Cyril Kym, Yves Wehrli

Pitch: Global crises raise energy prices across the world. Scenarios of a power shortage in Switzerland are realistic. Saving energy at your home is now on the governmental agenda. We want to support Swiss Citizens in saving energy and try to set values of recommended measures in a more personal context.
Award: 500 CHF
Team 3: Säuli
Yana Seiter, Tobias Beck, Maria Rodigina, Jens Hassler, Oleg Mikhailov

Pitch: Säuli is a community piggy bank: a collective account that helps out customers that are missing few dozens of cents on their checkout at Coop. Customers that have sufficient funds to checkout can choose to donate few dozens cents into the Säuli on checkout, while customers that are short of few dozens cent for their checkout can take the missing amount from the Säuli. 
3rd Prize
Award: 300 CHF
Team 4: Offline First Password Manager
Normand Overney, Fabrizio Parnillo, Niluka Piyasinghe, Emily Achieng, Joël Zimmerli, David Zimmerli, Simon Müller, Timon Ziltener

Pitch: Creating an offline-first password manager, which focuses on users who value privacy but want the flexibility of having a purely isolated local networks. We are also giving users the ability to login to their password managers without a password to allow for even greater convenience and verification.