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Build a Business that could serve 27M Developers worldwide

Challenge Sponsor: Certifever

Price Money: 1'000 CHF

User Story
As a developer, I want to get prepared for a certification. I want to practice multiple choice questions derived from documentation pages.

As customary for a hackathon, the technology choice for the implementation is completely up to the team. However, as a slight nudge, I have successfully experimented with ChatGPT for generating questions in a standardized JSON format from official documentation pages.

Business Engineering
Certifever is a product or company yet to be built. It starts at BaselHack 2023. So far, it is an idea of an individual. I have a logo, a domain, promising POCs and now I’m looking for a team to build it. Are you driven to build a business that could serve 27M developers

Required Skills
You are capable or eager to get involved with some of the following:
  • Web Development
  • SaaS Business Engineering
  • Creating a Brand
  • Managing such a project

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